Once you’ve decided that you’re ready to purchase farm equipment, you’re faced with one very important question: new or used? Your priority should be to find something that has the right features for the right price. Next, you’ll need to ask yourself whether you want to buy a used or new model. This might be a difficult decision considering there are plenty of reasons for going with each option. At the end of the day, it’s all going to depend on what your wants and needs are.

Middletown Tractor Sales has gathered some key benefits that come with buying both new and used to help you decide. If you have further questions or want to browse our inventory, stop by any of our locations. We’re in Fairmont and Buckhannon, WV, as well as Washington and Uniontown, PA. We also serve patrons in Pittsburgh, PA, and Morgantown, WV.

Benefits of New

Many customers prefer buying new farm equipment for a few fairly obvious reasons. One major advantage is the peace of mind. For starters, when farm equipment is hot and fresh out of the factory, all the parts and construction are brand new. As a result, you’re less likely to deal with any serious or expensive repairs. If there were to be an issue, it’s most likely covered under a warranty during the first few years of ownership.

This is also one of the reasons that new models are especially popular among farmers. They typically know what they want and need, so they’re not scared to spend a little extra on good equipment. They also tend to be more experienced on the farm and are familiar with the pros and cons of purchasing new items.

Another reason farmers lean toward new equipment is that they’re shiny and, well, new. One can experience a pretty big confidence boost just knowing everything is fresh and untouched, which adds extra comfort to daily farm life. Plus, all the latest gadgets and amenities can make one feel like true pros on the job.

Benefits of Used

As shiny and alluring as new equipment might be, there are also many great reasons to choose used equipment. The most popular reason for choosing to buy used is the price. Believe it or not, even used farm equipment that is still fairly new and in good condition will be far cheaper than buying a totally new one. You’ll also still have access to a lot of wonderful options when buying used. Models that are gently used are still likely to have many of the latest features.

When you’re still trying to figure out exactly what you want in farm equipment, buying used can be really helpful. You can experiment with features, styles, and personal preferences without spending top dollar on items that may be replaced in a few years. In addition, you’ll want to be able to pay it off in a reasonable amount of time so you can focus your budget on something else.

You’ll have access to a lot more feedback when buying used, too. There’s the history as well as reviews for a particular model online. As time passes, the way equipment is constructed can lead to certain complications. You’ll be able to get an idea from other owners about what types of issues you can expect so you can decide if it’s a worthwhile investment.

Are you ready to browse for farm equipment that’s right for you and your farm’s needs? Visit Middletown Tractor Sales today at our West Virginia or Pennsylvania locations.